Platinum Crown Estates offers a bespoke management service for developers. As your development approaches completion, we can assist in setting the site up ready for occupation.
Our management package includes essentials such as setting up on-site staffing, 24 hour security and fire safety measures. We can provide bespoke packages detailing a breakdown of service charges for potential leaseholders, and provide comfort on the cost side.
Our package includes the following areas specifically for developers:
Customer focus
We are responsive to your queries and can set up service charge packages and budgets which appeal to potential leaseholders and prospective buyers.
Sale and Let of Units
We can manage the sale or let of individual and multiple units on your behalf, as well as liaise with solicitors and collect ground rent from leaseholders.
Focusing on Essex
We only take on properties in Essex so that our estate managers are able to get to your site quickly should any issues arise.
All larger works are put out to tender and we have a large network of contractors who all offer value for money.
At a high level, our experience means that we are able to provide comprehensive advice to developers on setting up property management for new developments.
To find out more, please call us today on 01206 705 555.